Sunday 9 November 2014

Addiction of Social Media and its Impact on Students - By Ahmad

Could face booking, viewing and sharing videos on YouTube and tweeting impacts any student’s academic performance? What kind of effects these sites are having? Social media communities are here to stay. As per recent statistics of 2014, Facebook has intersected 700 million daily active users whereas over 500 million tweets are sent on a daily basis. YouTube claims that they have over 1 billion active users per month who share and watch videos on YouTube. Millions of YouTube video views is a fact that cannot be denied by anyone.

No doubt there are many benefits that can be jotted down with lots of words which can be spoken on positives of social sites but I believe everyone would agree that these social sites have caused severe impairment to society as a whole. The School children and college students become the central than anyone else. The consequence of social media on our life pattern is now unavoidable. A clear majority of students are nowadays involved in spending their time in use of these social sites in some form. Students who get tangled in activities on social sites during study lose their attention from study. This reasons reduction in their academic performance as well as competencies.

Nowadays students hardly interconnect in person with people and are behind in communication skills. Most of the employers are now not happy with the communication skills of fresh graduates they recruit. Effective communication skills are must in the real world. Students who are spending their major time in talking from behind the screen are less able to communicate effectively.

Another immense area that is being hurt in the students is use of slang words during socializing or use of abbreviated forms. Reliance of computer grammar and spelling check options have resulted in significant reduction of creative writing skills.

Researching for academic material on social sites is another problem. Mostly students prefer to search in social sites. This leads to decline in research capability as well as might direct them to misleading information.
Addiction to Social media is now at a point where students updates their statuses on Facebook from bathroom, while sleeping, while studying, and even upon awakening during late night hours. While the addiction to socialize might be innate, excess time online can intensify or stimulate symptoms of depression.

What’s the solution to this addiction? We need to moderate the access to electronic socialization as well as educational institutions should plan and guide the time to be allocated on use of social sites, face to face interactions, physical outdoor activities and study. Parent’s role is significant in educating children and implementing such time plan. Social media addiction is like a poison and a clear majority of the students are suffering from it. New tools and websites are constantly being created. Facebook with over billion active users claims first position beating Google in the race. Google is now thinking of integrating over billion YouTube users with millions of Google+ users to get the first position. What’s all this? Ever wonder why these figures are increasing and how impacting our students’ education and academic performance?


  1. Ahmed .. you've pointed out a real issue of today's youth. No one would question the importance of these social media in today's life, however, keeping the balance is very important. I agree with you that as an adult we need to educate our youth for the productive and effective use of social media, however, simple parental counselling is not enough as peer pressure and urge of this age is far more stronger.

  2. Dear Ahmad,

    i would agree with your point, besides harms of addiction social media has become a good tool for spreading disinformation in a society.

    Sajid Ullah Sheikh

  3. Ahmad you have highlighted a very important topic. I agree with you, we have stuck in such social media and our friends and family gatherings have minimized.

  4. Excess of every thing is bad ..and here we are unable to keep the balance between our real world and virtual world. wrong values are silently inculcating through social media and people are unable to recognized it. Mobile phones have made it easier to use it 24 hours. Thats increasing generation gap and distinguish those people who are unable to use social media for some reason. As an individual i would say that we need to justify our time and think we are here for specific time period so we should spent more time for the people around us not for those who are our virtual friends. unleash yourself but don't vanish from your family life that your family search you on Google.
