Sunday 13 April 2014

Globalization and Digital Education – A Divide or Unite? By Lubna Ali

The phenomenon of ‘Globalization’ is a course of action that rapidly increasing inter-dependence among people regardless of their identity, race, colour or religion. In congruence with International Monetary fund, ‘Globalization is characterized by increase in flow of trade, capital and information as well as mobility of individuals across borders’. Despite this globalization is enriching global markets, ideas, technologies and cohesion as well as lives of people around the globe, the confronting situation is to assure that the distribution of  benefits among people is equitable. Also, the increasing advancement and inter-dependence must be people friendly and not just for pecuniary benefits. Human Development Report (2013) made globalization solely responsible for the dynamic and radical shift in the economic world order. The southern part of the world is pacing out of poverty unprecendently difficult to find in human history. Globalization provided the world with propitious opportunities through cutting edge technology and communication but it has to be directed in such a way that all humankind can make the most of this blessing. To keep this in view, Human Development Report (2013) also commends a course of action that includes restoring governance around the globe to ascertain equity.     
Digital education is the sole technique through which we can achieve the goal of Education for All provided that the digital divide must be eliminated from Pakistan. Now the nighest challenge is to make Pakistani society a knowledge society as early as feasible. Knowledge society is a community where generating, communicating and exercising knowledge are the fundamental components responsible for the success and holistic well-being of its people. As compared to the earlier societies such as ‘cultural’ and ‘industrial’, knowledge societies are much more than land, labour and money. These societies have knowledge as a key element to generate wealth and make living standards better for people. Therefore, the notion of knowledge society is escalating fast. Knowledge about truth, principles, laws, capabilities, economy, management and workers of numerous aspects of knowledge of knowledge society. To make any country a knowledge society, science and technology enable countries to cover goals of  economic advancement, social sciences and environment form a reticular veins of a knowledge society. Pakistan is not an exception to that.  In Pakistan, the knowledge explosion must help the eradication of poverty and be in instrument to achieve social justice. Like any permissive society, Pakistan should also have shared morality for its peaceful existence. That shared morality should be protected and promoted by education only.
The emergence of informational technology and access to social media, advanced telecommunication systems, audio visual technology and multimedia have led to a new  possibilities of collection, development, organization and dissemination of information. Digital resources offer one such possibility and posses an advantage over traditional source with respect to access to information. One of the greatest benefits of digital resources is that, users can access the resources themselves from their desktops.  Approximately, two million Pakistanis possessing computers, most of them have internet accounts; hence the environment is set up the quantum leap in taking advantage of the information technology. The information and communication revolution has converted the world into a small village. At the same time, it poses a serious challenge to the existing and established institutions, practices and law in all the countries. Pakistan is on the verge of IT revolution, IT infrastructure is rapidly building up in the country. In five years PC population is going to increase 10 times. However, in the field of education, Pakistan’s performance has been failing to achieve the post-modern development plan. This digital divide creates an imbalance that requires immediate correction.

If there has been a single development that altered the entire digital age, it is the onset of Internet. Although urban Pakistani society has access to computer but English language of Windows and Internet left millions of Pakistani deprived from the recent IT revolution. To remedy this situation and spread Internet to wider users as a useful instrument, decision makers will recognize the difference between the requirement of commercial user and domestic user. If  we genuinely want to eliminate the digital divide exist in Pakistani society, the language of the Internet has to be replaced by the language that can accommodate wider users from both urban and rural areas. Simultaneously, content of the Internet must facilitate education for children and adults who need to be acquainted with not only basic reading,  writing and numeracy skills but also the challenges of learning computers functions. Clearly, making Pakistani society a computer savvy society is a challenge but it is definitely a challenge worth accepting. 

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