The average kid, ages 8-18, spends over 7 ½
hours a day using technology gadgets equaling 2 ½ hours of music, almost 5
hours of TV and movies, three hours of internet and video games, and just 38
minutes of old fashioned reading according to the Kaiser Family Foundation,
which adds up to 75 hours a week! These statistics are not just mere numbers;
they are a reflection of the way our society is heading.

one point when these technology development made people life more convenient
fast and efficient in terms of communication, learning, socializing, sharing,
collaboration, in different fields of our life whether home, school, or
have great positive effects on children. Computer is a great learning tool
which provides kids with different software, word processors, spreadsheets,
search engines, multimedia encyclopedias etc which help them to develop Project
and slide shows for schools. Computer aided learning (CAL) helps them to learn and
gain knowledge outside the classroom which make students independent and
increase their sense of empowerment. There are number of different online
activities available for children to develop their creativity and different
skills which not only enhance their learning but they can have fun in learning
at the same time. Even interactive games can be beneficial for kids that encourage
creative thinking and for their motor skill development with eye/hand
is benefiting our lives but like every thing have two sides positive and negative
similarly, technology development have positive and negative impact on our
lives especially on children. Our social, mental physical and environmental
health can be devastating if we don’t maintain a balance in the use of
Here are some negative effects
technology can have:
Kids live in isolation. These days
they isolate themselves around in their own little world, watching TV, chatting
with friends on line which can lead to obesity in kids.
Lack of human contact, over eating and
no exercise results in depression.
Due to engage late night in online
activities on internet results in poor sleeping disorder.
Lack of privacy just one click can
give the address and contact information of anyone, more use of viruses, phishing,
hacking help to find any information wish to obtain.
has produced an entirely different method of interaction and communication. Children
are interacting with others through different platforms like apps, online
games, social networks, etc. This innovation has hindered the physical
interaction skills of children.
extreme uses of digital communication, online chatting, have greatly weakened the
writing skills of today’s young children.
There are also fears that children see things in
video games or online that have negative effects on their behavior and can lead
to anxiety disorders, violent behavior, or hyperactivity.
causes people to suffer from mental and emotional disturbances, such as
anxiety, phobias and delusions, which are all symptoms of neurosis.
- The greater use of these devices has shortened our
attention span from 12 minutes to 5 minutes.
Technology helps us be more
productive and improves our lives, but we have to learn to use it carefully and
in healthy ways. Technology should be use in moderation. Kids should be taught
to secure their information and not to share with any unknown person. Parents
should provides guidance to help monitor their children’s computer and gaming
activities and should decide what technology they allow their children to use
based on the child’s maturity level. They can be aware of their children’s
activity online and put monitoring software in place to ensure a positive,
safe, and healthy technology experience for children.
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